A Feisty Knitalong

Fall is coming (we promise), so it’s time for another knitalong! (For the official YU definition of a KAL, click here) Many of you have become intimately familiar with the incredible yarn-dyeing work coming from Feisty Fibres, and since she’s local and a truly excellent friend of ours, it was obvious to us that this fall’s KAL should be a Feisty one!

Just like yarn-themed KALs we’ve hosted in the past, the common thread between all our projects this time round will be Feisty Fibres’ yarn.  The rules are otherwise wide open: knit or crochet, blanket or baby hat, simple stockinette or crazy colourwork, follow your heart’s desire. Many of her colourways can be seen on our shelves, or over on Ravelry.  This is your chance to tackle your ever-growing Ravelry queue, try out a new technique that you’ve been daunted by, make that fall sweater, get some holiday knitting done, or to simply be inspired by each other’s creativity and by Feisty Fibres’ incredible colourways.

We also have two very special surprises to announce in association with this KAL. First: Feisty Fibres has developed a new base: DK!  Each and every one of her perfect colourways will available on this new middle-weight yarn, well-suited to your long queue of projects-in-mind.

The second sweet piece of news is that Feisty will be collaborating with her very special yarn-girlfriend, The Yarn Therapist, to present to you The Magic Sweater!  This kit includes a self-striping ball of yoke yarn from the Therapist that is designed to grow as your sweater yoke does. This means the stripes don’t get skinnier but instead stay the same width as you add stitches. It also comes with a perfectly coordinated skein of yarn from Feisty Fibres to finish off the body of your sweater.  Up until now, this combo has only been available in children’s sizes, but just for our KAL, you can now order enough yarn to make your own Magic Sweater in your size!  We will have more info on colourways, patterns and pricing soon; see details below for ordering KAL yarn in the Knitty Gritty section.

Tons of Feisty Fibres’ colourways can be seen on our shelves, but here are just a few colourways from a photo shoot we had together earlier this month.  In order we have: Lemongrass Sass, Rapture, Sexy Nerd, Glamping, Raspberry Parade, Poolside Punch, Foolish Games, Gluten Free, Spelling Beez, and Smashed Candy.


The Knitty Gritty Details

  1. KAL begins on October 17th and ends on December 19th (9 full weeks of crafting)
  2. Official KAL hashtag: #YUFeistyKAL
  3. Yarn must be Feisty Fibres, in any of her bases (Beyond Sox, DK, Worsted, or Fluff)
  4. Yarn must have been bought (at any point) from Yarns Untangled
  5. Yarn can be bought off the shelf at any time, but to ensure you get your chosen colourways, or if you have chosen a Magic Sweater Kit, make a pre-order!
    1. All pre-orders are 10% off full price
    2. Pre-orders are now open and will close on September 26th
    3. Minimum of 3 skeins per colourway
    4. Pre-orders must be secured with a 50% deposit
  6. All our classes are 10% off for anyone participating in the KAL, and Sunday Drop In Clinics are free of charge!
  7. In order to be entered, crafters must announce your chosen yarn and project on either the Ravelry thread or on Instagram, using the official hashtag #YUFeistyKAL. Once finished, you must share at least one picture on either the Ravelry thread or on Instagram (we can help with this if you haven’t got an account with either of these, just come see us).
  8. The price for The Magic Sweater kit will shift depending on what size you order. Stay tuned for more details on this soon in a separate post.
A few pairs for inspiration


Most metres worked: Be you knitting or crocheting, this prize is for the crafter who uses up the most metres in their project(s) during the Knitalong.  Keep careful track of your skeins and partial skeins in your Ravelry entries (a food scale comes in handy for this one), and you could be the winner of a $15 gift card to Yarns Untangled!

Best original design: So many of you are remarkably creative with your work; this prize is for the crafter who finishes the most original project during the KAL.  You don’t need to be a published designer to win this one though, simply make some clever alterations to a pre-existing design or use one as a jumping off point if you’re not comfortable building one from scratch, or let your mind go free and build something entirely your own. The winner of this prize receives some beautiful skeins of yarn donated by Feisty Fibres!

Random draw: the classic prize of chance. Each finished project earns the crafter one entry into this draw, and the winner receives a 10% off coupon for Yarns Untangled!

PANK! and Rainbow, together in a Flax baby sweater

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