Announcing our first knitalong: The Lanesplitter Skirt

Welcome to our first ever knitalong (KAL)!  We’ve chosen a pattern that has long been one of our very favourites: The Lanesplitter Skirt, by Tina Whitmore, published in Issue #32, First Fall 2010. For those who have not participated in a KAL before, the way it works is that everyone uses the same pattern and we knit our projects in tandem, but each crafter creates their own perfect project using the yarn, needles, and colours they prefer.  Participants can be our most regular of regulars, occasional customers, first timers, or even knitters from across the world who want to join in.  Ravelry will be our home base, and to be officially entered, you must join the Lanesplitter KAL thread.  We’ve got a start date (now!) and an end date to aim for: December 31st.

This skirt perfectly suits a group project since it is easily adjustable for different yarn types, size, fit, and personal style.  This beginner-friendly pattern is surprisingly simple: a rectangle knit from one corner to the other on a diagonal.  Being knit on the bias in combination with the stretchy garter ridges allows the skirt to hold its shape much better than usual knit fabric would. This is a great thing for those of us with lots of hips and butt, or those of us who enjoy a good sit now and then without their skirt going saggy in the back!

Non-skirt-wearers, take note: this pattern is easily adjustable for a variety of projects (scarves, cowls, blankets, pillows etc.).  See the pics at the bottom of this post for inspiration!

The designer suggests Noro Kureyon as the perfect yarn for the pattern, and since we agree, we’ve ordered a whole lot of it in our favourite Noro colourways.  It arrived Wednesday, so come on down and choose yours! If you’d prefer to go in a different direction, this pattern can truly be knit with any weight of yarn as long as the needle is the appropriate size.  Join our KAL thread on Ravelry and ask any questions you may have about finding the right yarn and needles for this project.  This thread will also be a great place for everyone to share photos of their works-in-progress (WIPs), ask for help, or simply chat about their experiences with this lovely pattern.

Although it’s not a race in the slightest, prizes do always make things more interesting, so we are offering some great stuff to a few lucky participants: handspun yarn from both Brenna and Amelia, coupons for classes at Yarns Untangled, some of our most prized stash yarns, great stuff from the YU shelves, YU swag, and more.  Stay tuned for specifics on these.  The prize categories will be:

  • The most ingenious use or alteration of the Lanesplitter pattern (think as far outside of the box as you can!)
  • The most glorious mess up and brave recovery.  Be fearless knitters!
  • The knitter who makes the most Lanesplitters!  Do a skirt, two skirts, some pillows, a scarf, just cast off the most projects.
  • Hookers, a crocheted Lanesplitter would be marvelous.  A prize for the coolest one!
  • And of course, to keep things interesting, a random participant will be chosen from amongst the knitters who finish their project by December 31st.

*Note: anyone is welcome to participate, but to be eligible for a prize, at least some of your yarn must be purchased from YU.

A KAL is a great way to try something new, meet new knitters, and to get inspired by what other people are making.  And if you’re one of the over 3000 knitters who’ve already made this pattern, you should still feel free to join us!  Perhaps a Lanesplitter in black to match your entire wardrobe, a shorter skirt than before, a longer skirt than before, one with crazy stripes or a demure combination of your favourite colours.  As always, we are here to help guide you if need be.  Come in and ask questions, or join the Sunday Drop-In Clinic for more extensive help.  The options here are endless, and that’s why we’ve chosen Tina Whitmore’s Lanesplitter Skirt for our first KAL.  Join us!

For inspiration, check out some of these great projects from Ravelry:

wollschtig's "my first knitted skirt"
wollschtig’s “my first knitted skirt”
MatisseEtMoi's "Mermaid's Skirt"
MatisseEtMoi’s “Mermaid’s Skirt”
Marzanka's "small striped skirt - Bee-like"
Marzanka’s “small striped skirt – Bee-like”
MamaIke's "My first skirt"
MamaIke’s “My first skirt”
mabuli's "Lanesplitter Cowl"
mabuli’s “Lanesplitter Cowl”
tamisuzy's "Lanesplitter Infinity Scarf"
tamisuzy’s “Lanesplitter Infinity Scarf”
nanalb's Pynta trädet
nanalb’s Pynta trädet
Sailor1993's "Lanesplitter-Loop Evergreen"
Sailor1993’s “Lanesplitter-Loop Evergreen”